Before you go any further towards your goals to reduce and manage your debt, you should stop to congratulate yourself. By thinking seriously about bankruptcy or debt consolidation, you have already made a small victory that sets you apart from many Tennessee...
At McElroy & Associates, We Understand That Bad Things Can Happen To Good People
Get A Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy
Month: May 2019
Stop phone harassment from credit card companies
Circumstances beyond your control may have forced you into financial difficulty. Believing the circumstances to be temporary, you may have used credit cards to pay your bills, becoming saddled with intractable debt in the process. At Jimmy E. McElroy & Associates,...
When could Chapter 13 help?
There is no cut-and-dry situation in which one form of bankruptcy is necessarily better than another. Of course, eligibility is an issue. Tennessee courts offer Chapter 7 to almost any debtor, but Chapter 13 requires some sort of income. Beyond that, it is probably...
Does filing for bankruptcy provide any benefits?
Financial stress may have you feeling hopeless about the future and your ability to live debt-free, but fortunately, there are options to help you regain control of your situation. Bankruptcy often gets a bad rap from many people in Tennessee, but the reality is that...
What happens to your credit score after bankruptcy?
You may be considering bankruptcy to break free from your debt. But you may be hesitant due to fears of what it will do to your credit score. While it is true that filing bankruptcy will impact your credit report, allowing your debt to go to collections may be even...