Credit cards are very convenient financial tools. They allow people to spend money that they do not yet have based on the income they generate or the assets they own. Lenders charge a premium interest rate in many cases for these revolving lines of credit. However, so...
At McElroy & Associates, We Understand That Bad Things Can Happen To Good People
Get A Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy
Month: November 2023
How can bankruptcy help to resolve creditor harassment?
There are federal laws limiting the activity of collection professionals. The rules include restrictions on times during which it is inappropriate to call, the right of workers to refuse calls on the job and limitations on how collection professionals speak to...
Reliance on overdrafts linked to high risk of bankruptcy
Inflation has proven difficult for many consumers in Tennessee to overcome. Rising costs for essentials weaken people's ability to cope with unexpected costs, like a medical emergency or broken vehicle. In these situations, you might overdraw your bank account when...
Shelby County’s high bankruptcy rate
People file for bankruptcy in federal courts across the United States. Statistics show a significant number of bankruptcy filings in Tennessee, leading some to wonder why. Understanding the reasons for bankruptcy helps some make decisions that could prevent debt...
How to create a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan
Many Tennessee residents who are facing insurmountable debts choose to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This requires the creation of a proposed repayment plan, which has to be submitted within 15 days of filing the petition. Budget The first step in creating a Chapter...