Filing for bankruptcy may result in losing your car, Tennessee home or other assets, and taking such a step may also have a significant impact on your credit score. Typically, scores go down after seeking Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 protection from creditors. However,...
At McElroy & Associates, We Understand That Bad Things Can Happen To Good People
Get A Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy
Month: July 2022
Chapter 7 bankruptcy and exemptions
When debts become overwhelming, it could be wise to look at monthly obligations compared to income. Tennesse residents might find themselves covering not only credit cards and loans but also mortgage payments, auto loans, food bills, insurance, and more. Some may...
Bankruptcy, debt and mental stress
Dealing with mounting debt could leave Tennessee consumers struggling to survive financially. Although some may approach things somberly, others may start to suffer from anxiety and depression. Such psychological stress seems understandable, as many never expected to...
How do cryptocurrency exchanges deal with bankruptcy?
Many individuals throughout Tennessee are investing in a new type of money: cryptocurrency. To capitalize on the popularity of this digital asset, many cryptocurrency exchanges now exist to help people trade and store all sorts of digital currencies. With that said, a...