When your finances start to spiral out of control, it can leave you feeling desperate. Some for-profit companies may prey on that desperation in an attempt to get you to sign on and utilize their services. Unfortunately, though, many debt settlement companies operate...
At McElroy & Associates, We Understand That Bad Things Can Happen To Good People
Get A Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy
Month: July 2019
Are women vulnerable to financial troubles after a divorce?
Getting a divorce is difficult enough without experiencing money problems on top of it. Unfortunately for many residents of Tennessee and elsewhere, financial peril is common after a divorce. As you may already know, this can be especially true for women. Forbes...
How will bankruptcy affect your credit score?
If you are one of the many people in Tennessee who are struggling to keep up with overwhelming debt payments, you likely have begun thinking about filing bankruptcy so as to get most of your debts discharged and consequently give yourself a fresh financial start....
The pros and cons of Chapter 13 bankruptcy
In Tennessee, residents have several different options when it comes to filing for bankruptcy. One popular option is Chapter 13. With all bankruptcy options, there are unique benefits and potential drawbacks. Today, we will take a look at some of both for this...
Should I feel ashamed for filing for bankruptcy?
You may have been putting off speaking to someone about filing for bankruptcy, despite dealing with extremely high financial stress. If so, you are like many other Tennessee residents who are being held back by a pervasive stigma of personal bankruptcy. It may put...
Tips to positively recover from bankruptcy
After a bankruptcy in Tennessee, a person may have mixed emotions. While it feels good to be out of debt and not get frequent and harassing calls from creditors, it may be overwhelming to think about what comes next. There are numerous reasons people file bankruptcy....
Will you become the next gray bankruptcy statistic?
If you are a Tennessee senior facing serious financial difficulties, you are not alone. If you have begun to think about bankruptcy as your only real option, again, you are not alone. In fact, you are part of a new nationwide phenomenon: gray bankruptcy. The New York...