Filing for bankruptcy may allow you to achieve a greater level of financial stability while unemployed. If you pass the means test, you may be able to pursue a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This generally allows you to eliminate secured debts while retaining the equity in...
At McElroy & Associates, We Understand That Bad Things Can Happen To Good People
Get A Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy
Month: June 2021
How can debt affect your mental health?
While many Americans face high amounts of debt, you may feel like you cannot escape from the burden. According to CNBC, people use side hustles and freelancing to pay off large debt amounts. The problem with burning yourself out over debt is the effect that it has on...
Will I lose my house if I file Chapter 7?
Many Americans believe that if they file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy that they will automatically lose their home. It is true that in some cases, people lose their homes during the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process. It is also true that you are more likely to lose your home if...
How does Chapter 7 bankruptcy affect your dog?
Because they make excellent companion animals, dogs are commonplace in Tennessee and across the U.S. In fact, the American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that almost 40% of all American households have at least one pooch. Still, because of food, medical...