There are different types of bankruptcy, but they all focus on providing debt relief. Those who cannot afford to pay off their debts may consider filing. Filing for bankruptcy is a huge decision, and it should not be taken lightly. It’s important to have as much...
At McElroy & Associates, We Understand That Bad Things Can Happen To Good People
Get A Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy
Consumer bankruptcy
Can people discharge tax debts during bankruptcy?
Many different challenges can prevent people from balancing their budgets. Some people develop high credit card balances and then have a difficult time making even their monthly minimum payments on their different accounts. Others might have unexpected medical issues...
How can bankruptcy help people attain financial stability?
People tend to mentally associate bankruptcy with financial struggles. They assume that someone preparing for bankruptcy has a lot of debt or lacks adequate income. People may also expect that person to experience ongoing financial challenges in the future. While it...
How will removal of medical debt from credit reports affect you?
For many Americans, even those with health insurance, medical debt is their greatest source of debt. Further, the effects of many thousands of dollars of medical debt can snowball – affecting their overall financial well-being. To make matters worse, medical debt is...
How does personal bankruptcy affect a credit score?
A bankruptcy is one of the most immediate and thorough solutions for major personal debt. A successful personal bankruptcy filing leads to a cessation of collection activity as soon as someone files. If the courts approve their discharge, they can eliminate the...
Bankruptcy in Memphis is more common than many people realize
One of the reasons that some people are judgmental about bankruptcy is that they view it as relatively rare. They think that only irresponsible people file for bankruptcy. The reality is that many people who need bankruptcy protection are relatively diligent and...
Does foreclosure happen right away?
It’s not a good feeling to miss a mortgage payment. Your home is a source of security for you and your family, and you don’t want to lose it. But sometimes money just gets tight, and you realize you can’t make all of the payments that you owe on time. You may end up...
Will bankruptcy keep your car from being repossessed?
It may feel like a "no-win" situation. You feel overwhelmed by your debt and are struggling to make loan payments on your vehicle. But you need your job to pay your bills and your car to commute to that job. A common worry among individuals in financial hardship is...
Will health insurance prevent medical bankruptcy?
Medical debt is one of the top reasons that people file for bankruptcy. Even relatively minor issues can be prohibitively expensive to treat. A serious condition, like suffering from a heart attack or being diagnosed with cancer, could lead to overwhelming debt....
Why many people file for bankruptcy when creditors file lawsuits
The decision to file for personal bankruptcy is often a difficult one. Most people would prefer to avoid bankruptcy if possible, because of its negative side effects. Someone who files for bankruptcy faces the closure of their revolving lines of credit. Their credit...