When your debts keep piling up and you see no way out, you may turn to any source that promises to relieve you of this burdening situation. Advertisements from debt relief companies may become more enticing, as they guarantee you an easy escape through consolidation...
At McElroy & Associates, We Understand That Bad Things Can Happen To Good People
Get A Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy
Move your bankruptcy forward at the 341 meeting
If you have made the decision to file Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy, you will be attending the 341 meeting. This is a shorthand term for a meeting of your creditors. This may sound ominous, but it is a big step forward in your bankruptcy proceeding. Held outside of court...
Has that pile of medical bills become too overwhelming?
Along with the cost of high-deductible insurance plans, mounting medical bills are a considerable worry for families with an average income. An accumulation of medical bills is certainly not the only reason people consider filing for bankruptcy protection, but...
Understanding the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
If you are a Tennessee resident facing overwhelming debt, you probably feel like you are being harassed to death by constant phone calls from all your creditors insisting that you pay their debts immediately. However, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act forbids...
Can I keep my car if I file for bankruptcy?
When you fall behind on your payments and your finances start to crumble, you may think about filing for bankruptcy. Declaring bankruptcy is an effective way to wipe out or create affordable payment plans for the following: Credit card debt Outstanding medical bills...
Is the person you are marrying about to file bankruptcy?
Your fiancé, Jim, is a wonderful human being: even-tempered, thoughtful and kind to children and animals. He is a hard worker, too, but there is one concern: Jim is deeply in debt and about to declare bankruptcy. You have a fine career and a sterling credit rating....
5 mistakes to avoid when you file for bankruptcy
When you are trying to tunnel through a mountain of debt, you may have decided that bankruptcy is your best way forward. You are relieved to have made this decision, but also apprehensive. Bankruptcy is a big step and a whole new experience. You want the process to go...
Life after bankruptcy: The top 5 things you should do
Congratulations! You completed your Tennessee bankruptcy and have your discharge papers. Now that your financial feet are on the ground, you are ready to start over financially. Based on what you learned the past few months, this time you will find it easier to...