Understandably, you want to explore all your options before filing for bankruptcy in Tennessee. To that end, you consider working with debt-relief companies. Could they do more harm than good? The AARP explains why debt-relief programs do not live up to their name....
At McElroy & Associates, We Understand That Bad Things Can Happen To Good People
Get A Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy
Year: 2020
Can debt relief help me?
When faced with mounting bills, it is easy for a person's financial situation to get out of control quickly. When this occurs, your first impulse may be to sign up with a debt relief program. After all, these programs make impressive claims about reducing or even...
Are creditors harassing you?
It is reasonable to expect that creditors will pursue you when you have not paid your bills. However, some attempts to contact you may seem out of line. If you think that collection attempts have become harassing, you may very well be right. The Fair Debt Collection...
The duration of Chapter 13 repayment plans
If you are thinking about filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy to get rid of debt, you need to go over your individual circumstances and the ins and outs of this strategy. Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows many people to retain assets while eliminating their debts. However,...
What happens to medical bills in bankruptcy?
You may feel overwhelmed with debt. Especially, since you faced an unexpected knee surgery last year, which also required several sessions of physical therapy afterward. You may wonder if you should consider bankruptcy. But will it wipe out the thousands you owe in...
How does bankruptcy impact my credit?
One of the things that keep people from filing for bankruptcy is the fear of long-term consequences. What good is discharging or managing debt if your credit is too bad to let you do anything with your new financial freedom? Do the benefits of bankruptcy outweigh the...
How do I keep my car when I’m going through bankruptcy?
In many ways, your car is your lifeline. Without one, getting from place to place becomes difficult. Yet, if you’re preparing to file bankruptcy, you may fear you will lose it during proceedings. While some people must forfeit their car during bankruptcy, you might...
What can you keep in Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is the lifeline that many people rely on to pull them out under from crushing financial debt. Without this option, many people would lose everything while achieving nothing. While bankruptcy clears the slate for people and allows them to start fresh, it...
Can my bankruptcy impact my job search?
Bankruptcy can give you and your finances a fresh start. However, some may worry about how their recent bankruptcy filing could impact their employment search. For those who filed and are looking for work, the circumstances may be a bit different. While it’s illegal...
Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy differences
Many different circumstances can lead to bankruptcy. Maybe you have medical or credit card debt you can’t seem to escape. Maybe you got divorced, and your income has shrunk significantly enough that debt is piling up, or maybe your business is not doing well, which...